FWD Computing Audio & Video Old Time Radio
Classic Mystery Radio
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Inner Sanctum
Inner Sanctum Mysteries was a Horror Mystery Anthology from 1941 to 1952. An award winning radio show we make available to you in MP3 format for your modern MP3 capable CD player or the vast majority of DVD players or PCs. This is the complete radio series.
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Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes Collection
This is a 4 CD, in high quality MP3 format, of 259 stories of the world's most famous detective ever to come to radio! Taking you from the 1930s through the early 1970s with many full cast radio dramas. Yes, it includes Rathbone, Bruce, Hobbs, Shelley, Foster, Buck, Stanley and Shirley as well as a few relatively unknowns who played the famous detective and Doctor Watson. Perhaps the best collection available anywhere.
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The Mercury Theater Deluxe Edition
Famous Old Time Radio shows from 1938 to 1940. Cleaned up and enhanced for cleaner sound and in MP3 format. Thought to be the complete collection. Stories include the following and more: 3 Short Stories, Around the World in 80 Days, Dracula, HeartDark LifeFather, Man Who Was Thursday, Theater of the Imagination, War of the Worlds and others. Starring Orson Welles and full cast dramatizations by many famous stars of that time.
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The Shadow Old Time Radio Collection
"Only The Shadow knows what evil lurks in the heart of man!" This four CD collection of radio shows of The Shadow has 259 episodes. This includes episodes that were done in Australia and never broadcast in North America. They have been digitized in auto play MP3 for your MP3 enabled CD player, PC or most DVD players. Quite possibly the best and most complete collection of The Shadow.
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